Why SEO is Important for your Business?
Firstly, a basic overview of SEO so that we can understand it in context. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation, simply put is a process whereby you hone in on and tidy up your online presence (website or social media) so that you can easily be identified and appear in search rankings and improve those rankings over time.
So why is this important for your business? That’s a good question; The reason that this is important is that the fundamental goal of SEO is to improve your ranking so that your product/service is visible in search results. If your product or service is visible in search listings for a given search query (keywords – we will explain more further down) that a potential user is looking for – then the chances that they will click on your URL is more likely.
What is a keyword? A keyword or keyword is a set of words that trigger search listing results. For example, Ted is looking for a blue bike, and he lives in London, Camden. Ted doesn’t want to travel too far to visit the shop with the bike as he would need to take public transport to get to the location as he does not have a car, or currently a bike. He visits his favorite search engine and enters his search query: buy a blue bike, Camden. Following this, any businesses that are listed online that are actively using SEO processes will be listed based on the keywords they are using in the SEO process.
So let’s say a company called Polar bikes, is based in Camden, has a website, and is actively carrying out an SEO process. To make things simple we will say that currently they only have 10 active keywords or keywords (long tail) that they are working to keep improving. One of those is affordable bikes in Camden.
Now back to Ted quickly, based on his search query: buy blue bike Camden, depending on the SEO efforts (competing against competitors for keywords plus much more) that Polar bikes have been making – we’ll assume they have done a cracking job. They will appear in the search results (they have done a really good job so we’ll say the first few pages of Google) for Ted’s query. This ranking on the first pages essentially increases the likelihood that someone like Ted who is actively looking for a product, comes to you the business that provides such a product, effectively increasing the amount of traffic that visits your site – in turn, increases the chances to convert that traffic to sales.